Talent Source is a specialist Recruitment firm in Tokyo with expertise in finance and technology

Talent Source is an international recruitment agency specialized in serving the hiring needs of our clients in the most efficient way by using our collective experience to find and introduce only the best candidates in the market. 


Your time is valuable. We believe that an effective sourcing partner must have the skill to under-stand your true needs, while having a network of strong relationships to satisfy them. We do this by having a strong team culture, with deep networks and long la sting candidate relationships. We follow the “one-point-of-contact” approach, a concept where we will have a dedicated Account Manager for you who will manage the ongoing processes and is accessible for questions and requests at all times. 


Japan is a very unique market space and becoming more globalized with each day. We support our clients’ needs in Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, and Fukuoka. We focus on building relationships with Bilingual candidates to help prepare you for the future. 


It is important that candidates that we work with have a good experience during their interview process. We make sure to keep close contact with them during the inter view process to ensure the best possible representation of your firm. 


Our team consists of recruitment experts with knowledge covering multiple industries within the Japanese market, including IT, Finance, Legal and HR among others. We have the confidence and know-how to help you reach your goals and ensure long-lasting corporate performance.